We offer a twist on traditional research
By expanding the scope of insight to cover work, home and community concerns at a critical time, we are creating unique pictures of people and places
Providing a safe place so people can say what they really think (because they own the business and understand the community benefit)
Deploying usual methods and tools: surveys, focus groups, proven software but combine with unusual community led engagement
So encouraging unusual honesty: people saying what’s really going on
And creating unusual insights, pinpointing the acute issues and opportunities
Creating powerful issues-based datasets by curating community insights over time
If you want to have a chat about commissioning some research then please drop me, Quentin, an email at quentin@communitydatacoop.co.uk or give me a call on 07970 458436.

What’s our ambition?
Empower everyday folk to realise an asset they can sell on their terms, for cash for themselves or community projects they care about, and so feel good about participating in a research project rather than 'why am I doing this?'
Encourage acute honesty from ordinary people and small business owners by creating a space where everyone feels comfortable saying what they really think, because they know their opinions and data is safe, anonymous and under their control
To offer organisations across the UK a unique way to understand what individuals and communities think about their products, services and wider social and economic developments going on around them
Create exciting new jobs and develop new skills in and around community research, data, and analytics and analysis
Demonstrate that the "Data for Good" movement can have real purpose, benefit and relevancy for ordinary people and businesses, and deliver measurable social value in the process

Delivering measurable social value at the coal face
The Community Data Cooperative is not about making money for a select few. We think it’s fairer everyone gets to share in the rewards and so operate as not for profit.
We redistribute profits back to our members communities through a Community Wellbeing Fund.
Every year this fund receives a proportion of our profits to give to community projects as voted for by our members – whether that's renovating a play area on a village green, funding a school bus or organising a summer event.
Members participate. Members choose. Everyone benefits.
That's creating social value.
We're talking to larger public and private sector organisations, particularly in the energy, health & wellbeing and public sectors about how to help and support smaller businesses on their patch or in their supply chain.
Their biggest problem is lack of access to insight about the challenges SMEs face, and so find it difficult to target their support in the most useful way.
In Cumbria, for example, the Local Enterprise Partnership commented that if we could gather a group of 500 odd businesses together, they would happily commission research from us...
So, if you are an SME and want to group together with others to create a go-to resource for organisations wanting to help you, please join in, get your peers to join too and let's get talking to LEPS, local authorities, national government and larger commercial organisations about your needs and aspirations.
Want to join?