Welcome to the first community-owned research company (that we know of!)
We offer a safe, trusted space for individuals, communities and businesses to share their data, views and opinions with businesses and organisations seeking insight into their own challenges.
As you'd expect, we are data-savvy and offer a range of services from vanilla research and community engagement to more complex data analysis.
But it doesn't stop there!
We are unique because the people who participate in our research projects are often also members of our Co-op, so not only provide insight relating to a specific project but insight about themselves and their communities, which is then curated from multiple projects to create fascinating pictures of communities over time.
We pride ourselves on being run on a commercial basis, owned and run by ordinary people from the communities we represent.
We’re not reliant on funding or grants for survival. Being good at what we do and who we represent is how we will thrive.
All our profits go back into community wellbeing projects as voted on by the members of our Coop, are reinvested into the business, or paid back to our members as a dividend.